Natural Hair Healthy Hair Secret

Natural Hair Healthy Hair Secret

Here’s the scoop: the key to healthy natural hair is a healthy scalp. Its the foundation for your natural hair and its health will determine the health of your natural hair. When your scalp is healthy, then your hair will be healthy, but if your scalp is NOT in good condition I don’t care what you do to your natural hair it won’t be healthy.

So, how do you take care of your scalp? Here are expert tips and products for a healthy scalp.

Treating the Scalp with some LOVE!

When it comes to taking care of your natural hair and scalp a hot oil treatment is great for doing so. Here’s what to do. First, make sure your hair and scalp are nice and clean using the Nourishmint Clarifying Shampoo. Yes, a clarifying shampoo for natural hair. One good shampooing will do! Next, lightly condition your hair for 5 minutes, then rinse and towel blot your hair (now your hair is prepped to be able to receive your oil treatment)

Heat 1 ounce of Bye Bye Parabens Essential Healing Oil Treatment in a sauce pot (I prefer to microwave for obvious reasons) pour oil in an applicator bottle. Next, make 1/2 inch parts in your hair and apply oil to your scalp. Continue this until your entire scalp has been covered with oil. Massage the oil into your hair and scalp, then along the entire length of your hair. Place a plastic cap on and sit under heat for 30 minutes. Rinse well then shampoo your hair 1 more time. This time apply the conditioner and leave on your for 15 min with a plastic cap. Rinse and style as you like!

How often should you do this? If your hair is really dry and you have dandruff do this twice a month. If not, do this once a month.

Remember, your scalp is the key to healthy hair.

Have a question email us! Always use quality natural hair products.

A healthy snack your hair will love.
Eating Almonds have amazing benefits for your hair and scalp. One of the biggest secrets behind the use of Almond oil is the high level of fatty acids, which help to lock in moisture, leaving your scalp hydrated and allowing it to ‘breathe’ and your hair shiny and manageable. Consider picking some on your next run to the market.

Tracy Riggs

About the author : Tracy Riggs

Founder of Bye Bye Parabens. A Charlotte Based Business and owner of Tracy Riggs Salon. With a career over 25 years, Tracy is an international award-winning celebrity master hairstylist.